Killers review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:40 (A review of Killers)I was disappointed. I love the Katherine Heigl movies, but in the end I was like: "Okay, so it was just that?". I did not like the concept of this movie. Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl had a good chemistry, but the plot is weak even the movie is cool.
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(500) Days of Summer review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:39 (A review of (500) Days of Summer)Interesting the tematic of the movie. It reveals very good the sentiment which many people live: fear of getting involved and getting hurt (especially after two traumatic experiences or even in their own household). But if do not get involved how to know it? Life is so short... is it worth your time hiding behind a supposed protective security?
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Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:39 (A review of is a film that is skewed towards young people. The language, the soundtrack and the attitude are all young. If you believe that "age is just a number" then don't let that put you off. It's an enjoyable ride from start to finish. The film is split into 4 sections that tell the story of Shannon, Cassandra, Kerrys and Jo bringing the viewer to the point the film starts. Each of the 4 sections intertwine, yet each tells a different tale that when pieced together forms the story. It's a brave approach and it works well. The film is well written and well acted. It's well shot too, the video and the score as as high energy as the plot. It contains plenty of faces from British TV programmes and while it's all a bit of a fantasy world, some of the characters and situations will be identifiable. The ending is a little tame for what came before it. Also, the cinema warning of "Strong language, violence, sex and drugs" is a bit OTT. The violence was sparse and quick. The drugs almost none existent. Well done, Noel Clarke. This is another promising building block in your career.
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Philadelphia review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:38 (A review of Philadelphia)It's a good movie. It should reveal the fact that some characters are caricatured as defense attorney, the exaggeration of torture by which the character of Tom Hanks is in court, among other things. It is even more important It and relevant all the context of prejudices that come behind AIDS and a host of problems that are well discussed. The disease, when discovered and known to few in the 1980s, fit in socially the gays in a kneecap perverse and that still remains in the heads closer. That is the importance of the film.
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Stand by Me review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:38 (A review of Stand by Me)In my opinion this is the movie that sums up in a best way the adolescence ever made. The amazing soundtrack turns us to a journeys where subjects like: love, togetherness, family, loyalty and courage are expost -proof in their 90min. It's a genuine example of how cinema can be entertaining and at the same time have some content. The movie even presents an aspiring star named River Phoenix who not only became a new James Dean because of a ballad unsuccessful in Sunset Boulevard. All those who were children in 80 years must hold on this movie and younger, must surely see and experience this delicious handiwork!
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Grown Ups review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:37 (A review of Grown Ups)Average movie, i wasn't expecting much from it but exceeded my expectations. The jokes are decents for kids. The story is weak and could have been more explored. What saves are the messages that are passed during the movie, but even so it's all very cliche.
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Altitude review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:37 (A review of Altitude)If we analyse the movie like a episode of apart from our imagination, could it be good, but it's so ludicrous, and it has a awful pilot. It had everything to be a very good movie, but it doesn't pass over of a disappointing movie, unfortunately.
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Pride and Prejudice review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:36 (A review of Pride and Prejudice)One of the most beautiful movies i've ever seen so far, it excites me to think like formerly life was very simple, without the easiness of technology like nowadays, the honor and morals prevailed even on the difficulties of the time.A handsome movie that indeed accosts a story acording to the title, very good sound track and a amazing self-story. I only thought that missed something at the end, but i loved the all movie.
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8 Mile review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:35 (A review of 8 Mile)I liked Eminem's performance, but i believed that the movie was supposed to be a portrait of all life of him. Eminem really surprised me.
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Ben X review
Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 30 August 2011 10:34 (A review of Ben X)I already seen movies that relates about Bullying and this, definitely, innovator in that genre. Besides the way that he attends, inclusive with a "happy" end. The movie also presents whether at a different way with "testimonials" of characters, giving a feeling of documentary, and scenes of the game representing, after a fashion, the "world" of the character. Summarizing, i recommend the movie, not only because for the innovation at the way oneself features, but also by how "different" to talk about a topic as complicated as Bullying, and, why not, by the dialogues and thought, either very smart, exhibited in the movie.
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